Thursday 11 December 2008

The Art of Wearing the Crown

(Published in Banking Services Chronicle October 2005)

Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown. And yet it is difficult for us not to covet the crown. In fact, if we don’t covet the crown, life would become rather meaningless. And this meaninglessness will again lead to unease.

So the situation boils down to something like this: Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown. Uneasy lies the head that cannot wear the crown. And, uneasy lies the head that will not wear the crown. In these scenarios, it’s certainly the first one that is preferable. Because, if unease has to come at any cost, why not enjoy the crown at least?

Besides, when we study the three scenarios, it is evident that unease is not a function of wearing the crown. It is rather an inherent state of mind. You might have seen a number of crown-crested persons beaming with smile. Even if the head lies uneasy, their face at least does not reflect this. This is so because they have mastered the art of wearing the crown.

It is important to choose a crown of your liking. It little matters how valuable the crown is because the value depends on the perception of others. What is important is that the crown be suited to your head. The customisation of crown is necessary if you want it to rest comfortably on your head.

In other words, don’t covet what others think is good for you. A parent, a “well-wisher” or a friend may determine what is best for you. Remember nothing is given as freely as advice. They are not to blame either because though some of them do so merely to show how much they know of the world, most of them have your well-being in mind. But we have to remember that what is good for Tendulkar may not be good for me.
So devote time to thinking what is good for you. Or, to thinking, if we continue the analogy, which crown suits you best. Do not decide merely on the basis of infatuation. Learn to distinguish between passion and infatuation. If it is the former, go for it. Because if you love something from the core of your heart, you are already halfway through in having achieved it.

Now, if the crown is of your own liking, the unease will certainly get minimised. But still don’t think that it will get eliminated altogether. For, life is a zero-sum game. You have to pay the price of everything that you get. The crown seldom comes without added responsibilities. Every promotion is an encroachment upon your leisure.

Here comes the role of what I earlier mentioned as mastering the art of wearing the crown. One, it is important to live in the here and now. While one must learn from the past and plan for the future, one should live in the present. That is, dedicate yourself completely to the task at hand. Immerse yourself into the person you are dealing with.

Two, it is important to be humble. If success goes to your head, it makes you blind to your flaws. And the person or organisation that stops rectifying their mistakes goes on the decline. One then tries to commit excesses to arrest the decline and give an upward push. But the excesses only contribute to further decline.

Three, it is important to see each day as a new day. Every sunrise comes with the possibility of enormous growth. And this is as true for Roger Federer as for ordinary mortals. Let the rays of sun become the rays of hope for that day’s prosperity. And learn from the sun how to labour all day, struggling against the clouds, before retiring to a calm night’s sleep.

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