Thursday 11 December 2008

Crisis of Global Leadership

(Published in Banking Services Chronicle July 2008)

We are standing at a crossroads in history. The world after a long time seems to be facing the crisis of leadership. The British Empire is long dead and even forgotten by the new generation. The USSR has disintegrated and Russia has been reduced to an ordinary citizen of the world. The Asian century may have started but China and India have miles to go. The EU is but a conglomeration of countries.

That leaves the reins of the world in the hands of the sole superpower, the US. It has a significant population both in quality and in number. It is the largest economy of the world. Post-World War II, its military might has been universally accepted. Culturally, we talk of the McDonaldisation of the world.

So where is the problem? The problem is that it is not necessary that a good player be a good captain too. Indian cricket has time and again experimented with Sachin Tendulkar as captain and failed. The US’ case is worse than Tendulkar’s as haughtiness rules over humility. So one may have sympathy with Tendulkar the captain but the US as a leader invites the wrath of several countries.

The US has the bad habit of preaching democracy to the world and that too its own version. Besides, while there may be perfect democracy within the country, at the world level its Big Brother attitude defeats its purpose of disseminating the democratic gospel. The US must learn how to share democracy with the world.

The leader of a democratic world has to see that partnerships between countries should be based on equality, mutual respect and understanding. The US has to refrain from irresponsible statements like ‘The Indians and the Chinese eat more’ even if they be true. But that is too much to expect from leaders like George Bush.

Perhaps the new (wo)man in White House will understand things better. Fortunately or unfortunately, we have none but the US to lead us at the present juncture. If it does not realise its responsibility, mankind will be the ultimate sufferer.

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