Wednesday 10 December 2008

S = P - D

(Published in Banking Services Chronicle February 2002)

What is success? Dear reader, remember the formula
S = P – D
where S = success;
P = active pursuit of one’s beloved like a devoted lover; and
D = the accompanying despair if she eludes you.
The formula holds good everywhere — be it tackling terrorism, prospering in business, or attaining personal peace.

Take terrorism, for example. The quest for peace will not be successful unless Osama bin Laden is captured. And let me make it clear that by Osama, I do not mean any single individual. Osama is a symbol. He represents the ugly face of terrorism. He is an embodiment of the urge to express oneself through foul means, of the malady of not taking the time-honoured route of debate and discussion.

But the pursuit of success is not easy. The way to the oasis of peace is strewn either with acres of scorching sand or patches of thorny bushes. In such a dismal scenario, you have to tread cautiously. The oasis will be yours if you know how to distinguish between “reaction” and “action”. If you react, you will start zealously. But soon you will get fatigued and despair.

On the other hand, if you have faith in religion — not that deviant version which rears its ugly head every now and then, but religion that emphasises the primacy of peace — you will act. You will become neither overzealous nor disappointed. Equipped with equanimity, you will proceed in your campaign against terrorism. Confidently. Convincingly.

Kashmir, the valley of scenic beauty, has been converted into a seething cauldron. Can it ever be restored to its quiet splendour? Yes, it can. But there again action is needed on several fronts. And it has to be sustained action. Convincing the world of cross-border terrorism can be one of the means employed. But we definitely need to move beyond the rhetoric.

For this, our own house needs to be put in order first. Whether the terrorism is indigenous or cross-border, it is an emergency. In such a situation, we can’t have Dr Abdullah holidaying in London while Kashmir burns. In fact, Dr Abdullah’s holidaying is symbolic. That the government makes merry instead of paying heed to the grievances of the Kashmiris. No wonder alienation breeds rampant. And as far as infiltration is concerned, let us strengthen our border security management.

If we are serious about Kashmir, we can bring joy to the Kashmiris. What has happened in Afghanistan raises hope for us. As the United Nations envoy Lakhdar Brahimi pointed out, it is for the first time in many years that power has been transferred not under the shadow of the gun but under an agreement. Kashmir is yet to reach the nadir and so redemption should be rather easier.

The world of business is no different from that of politics. It is only a bad workman who quarrels with his tools. A good one either sharpens them or buys a new set. When things change, you have two options: grumble and ruin yourself; or, adapt and have the last laugh. When globalisation is inevitable, the myopic look for protections. The far-sighted, on the other hand, recognise their advantages and cash in on them.

Again, the nature of business is changing. Businesses are getting more and more people-oriented. “Human resources” have become the key component. In such a scenario, remember the P in our formula. Also, remember that “people” are the “beloved” in an organisation. So P for pursuit. And, interestingly, P for people. A good employer has therefore to actively pursue his employees, motivate them, and reap huge dividends.

Significantly, an individual’s world is no different either. The goal has to be identified and pursued like the beloved. She may set traps for you to test your mettle. But such traps should not serve as a deterrent. Instead, let them kindle your desire further. What if she eludes you still? Despair like a romantic? No. There are alternatives galore. And always remember Confucius: “God give me the courage to change what I can, patience for what I can’t and wisdom to know the difference.”

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